Heroin and cocaine addiction is not only physically and psychologically harmful to the addict; the impact on family members, friends, and employment is equally destructive. Ibogaine, an indole alkaloid from the West African shrub, Tabernanthe iboga, has proven effective in treating a wide range of addictions. It is part of a larger alternative drug rehabilitation movement, and a fascinating study calling on 191 volunteers details its effectiveness. 

Researchers concluded in “Ibogaine Detoxification Transitions Opioid and Cocaine Abusers Between Dependence and Abstinence: Clinical Observations and Treatment Outcomes” that ibogaine therapy administered under treatment professionals in safe doses diminishes the withdrawal symptoms from opioids and reduces drug cravings. This is excellent news not only for heroin rehabilitation but also for fentanyl detox, among others. Ibogaine treatment in Mexico has been developing rapidly and the study’s authors conclude that product development of single dose ibogaine holds great promise moving forward. 

Read the full article here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5996271/

Ibogaine for Opioid Withdrawal

Ibogaine as a holistic approach to drug rehabilitation has been gaining popularity in certain countries around the world. In recent years Ibogaine treatment centers in Mexico and Canada have been in high demand with patients from the United States. No surprise given the impressive success rate of Ibogaine. Even a few states in the US have started to consider legalizing its controlled usage. 

The administration of Ibogaine outside of a clinical setting is strongly discouraged as cardiac issues may arise. Those who consider purchasing ibogaine and self-administering are taking a risk that is greatly reduced when administered by professionals in a well-equipped facility.

Click here to read the full article: https://www.pharmacy.umn.edu/degrees-and-programs/postgraduate-pharmacy-residency-program/news-events-and-publications/curbside-consult-volume-16-issue-3-third-quarter-2018/ibogaine-opioid-withdrawal

The Multibillion-Dollar Opioid Crisis Has a Plant Medicine Solution

In “The Multibillion-Dollar Opioid Crisis Has a Plant Medicine Solution,” it’s easy to forget that author Omri Wallach isn’t referring to the US, and it’s raging opioid crisis. Rather, Wallach is commenting on Canada, a country that for most around the world has a reputation for stability and order. But that Canadian calmness is no match for opioid addiction, which has positioned alternative drug rehabilitation front and center in this northern country. 

Taking a chapter out of ibogaine treatment in Mexico and the great strides this psychedelic substance has made with opioid, methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin rehabilitation, Wallach details some novel moves the Canadian private sector is taking to be an eventual global example of the application of ibogaine as a verifiable treatment. The most promising news, however, is not that ibogaine is finally being considered as one of the premier alternative drug rehabilitation psychedelics. Rather, the Canadian government is also coming along to the idea that making a dent in curbing a death toll that took 4,460 Canadian lives in 2018 can be achieved with alternatives to the norm. 

Read the full article here: https://stockhouse.com/news/newswire/2020/06/24/the-multibillion-dollar-opioid-crisis-has-plant-medicine-solution

Could ibogaine offer a revolutionary long-term solution to addiction?

The United States and many other countries worldwide have been completely ravaged by the opioid crisis. While the World Health Organization reports that roughly 3.3 million people die yearly from alcohol addiction, a staggering 31 million people suffer from substance use disorders. And the root cause of these disorders are psychological and emotional in nature. Deep-seated traumas are common with not only opioid addiction, but heroin addiction, methamphetamine, and cocaine, among others. Fentanyl is a powerful, synthetic opioid and hundreds of millions are spent each year in costly fentanyl detox. 

As this informative article, “Could ibogaine offer a revolutionary long-term solution to addiction?” from HealthEuropa, details, researchers are beginning to understand better how alternative drug rehabilitation, especially with ibogaine is different, and in many cases superior to what many have been engaged in up to now. Ibogaine was (and still is) used in religious Bwiti ceremonies by the Punu and Mitsogo people in Gabon and Cameroon. It takes the user on a journey, confronting some of their most painful and regrettable decisions, and pinpoints the root causes of said decisions. The journey is far from enjoyable, but valuable and leaving the user in many cases not seeking to self-medicate afterward.  

Read the full article here: https://www.healtheuropa.eu/could-ibogaine-offer-a-revolutionary-long-term-solution-to-addiction/100635/

Iboga in 2020: Why Now Is The Time To Embrace Oneirogenics

Heroin rehabilitation, weening yourself off cocaine, opioid addiction, these are heavy issues that most societies have had a lot of experience with. The problem – said experience has not resulted in great treatment. For numerous reasons, most treatment for drug addiction rests on the use of pharmeceutical drugs and treating patients in a very hierarchical fashion. Levels of addiction are defined, and the correspinding cocktail of drugs is subsequently assigned. 

The results have not been great, and as “Iboga in 2020: Why Now Is The Time To Embrace Oneirogenics” rightly points out – oneirogenics is poised for a big breakthrough moving forward. An oneirogneic state is achieved via high-doses of psychedelic substances such as ibogaine. Ibogaine treatment in Mexico for folks with a range of additions has been lauded as a revolutionary step forward, and ibogaine has proved successful in taking patients back through their formative years and painful moments that have resulted in a current addiction. By confronting the difficult, ibogaine hits at the root of the addiction or psychiatric state, thus giving treatment practitioners much more to work with than simply states of mind with little context. 

Read the full article here: https://tabularasaretreat.com/iboga-in-2020-why-now-is-the-time-to-embrace-oneirogenics/

How Ibogaine Can Help with the Opioid Crisis

Juliana was like many other addicts. Heroin rehabilitation was part of a never-ending cycle of breaking her addiction, only to see it return weeks or months later. She had heard of ibogaine treatment in Mexico and throughout Latin America and Europe but naturally had her doubts. It wasn’t until her mother and a close friend’s support led her to a clinic where she received ibogaine treatment for the first time. 

Adaam James Levin-Areddy takes us through Juliana’s journey in “How Ibogaine Can Help with the Opioid Crisis,” eventually leading us to the future of ibogaine treatment strategies for everything from heroin to fentanyl detox. While there have not been any double-blind, randomized clinical trials with ibogaine yet, a vast majority of those that have been surveyed, post-treatment, have experienced relapses at a lower frequency. However, convincing pharmaceutical companies to jump on board without a clinical trial will certainly be a challenge. But if Juliana’s story is any indication of the efficacy of this naturally occurring substance, people should and will continue to pay attention.

Read the full article here: https://doubleblindmag.com/ibogaine-opioid-crisis-juliana-mulligan/

Can a Shrub in Gabon Cure Addiction?

Treating drug addiction for many practitioners is a long, slow haul. Part of the problem is all addicts are not the same. At the core of every addiction is a pathology, and said pathology naturally differs among individuals. Dr. Deborah Mash is a professor of neurology and pharmacology. She has been working with ibogaine at the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami since 1992. That is nearly 30 years, an impressive amount of time to be working on alternative drug rehabilitation. In “Can a Shrub in Gabon Cure Addiction?,” while the title is provocative, Dr. Mash takes us through the facts, myths, and barriers ibogaine needs to overcome in the US to be legally administered with everything from fentanyl detox to other common opioids.

In Dr. Mash’s experience, she has witnessed up to 90% effectiveness in ibogaine treatment, especially as it relates to blocking the signs and symptoms of withdrawal. Yet, pharmaceutical companies are risk-averse when it comes to clinical trials, and without a clinical trial, FDA approval is impossible. Dr. Mash had success with St. Kitts and Nevis’s government in the West Indies, and we already know of the exceptional track record of ibogaine treatment in Mexico. Heroin rehabilitation is not an easy step, but it is much more challenging when you limit the options. Dr. Mash continues her fight to place ibogaine front and center.

Read the full article here: https://goop.com/wellness/health/can-a-shrub-in-gabon-cure-addiction/

Hallucinogenic root takes davos stage as addiction fighter

Every year some of the world’s most influential actors put their day-to-day business to the side and join colleagues in Davos, a mountain resort in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. A picturesque setting, with plenty of enjoyable touristic activities, these folks however do not arrive to play. Rather, they’ve come together to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF), a meeting with a lofty mission – to improve the state of the world by engaging academic, political, and business leader to shape regional, global, and industry agendas. 

The 2020 get-together was pre-pandemic, so Zoom was not the preferred communication medium. This was fortunate for Atai Life Sciences AG, a company experimenting with alternative drug rehabilitation. Backed by billionaire investor Peter Thiel, the company had quite possibly their most valued, captive audience to date, and one that most presumed could care less about the subject matter. Yet, the reception was incredible. Ibogaine and other psychedelics have proven their effectiveness, and getting that message out is now the current challenge. Eyk Henning explains in “A Hallucinogenic Root Is Pitched to Davos Set as Treatment for Opioid Addiction” how opioid and heroin rehabilitation, among others, are being completely re-thought with ibogaine. 

Ibogaine treatment in Mexico has been advancing rapidly, especially in the area of fentanyl detox. Having world leaders with the clout and cache behind this movement could very well be a record breakthrough. 

Read the full article here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-01-22/hallucinogenic-root-takes-davos-stage-as-addiction-fighter

Veteran Navy SEAL Advocates for Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Serving one’s country is a noble undertaking. Ex-Navy SEAL Marcus Capone took great pride in his time deployed abroad, but neither he nor his family could have prepared for the battle that awaited upon his return, a battle far more grueling and one that nearly ended his life.

In this moving interview with Psychedelic Times, Marcus and his wife Amber detail the sub-concussive and concussive impact on Marcus’ brain due to decades of contact sports and SEAL operations. Marcus’ story is harrowing while simultaneously uplighting. His family has traversed a difficult path, but Amber’s unwavering support and determination to find a treatment for Marcus were present throughout.

Thanks to psychedelic-assisted therapy, specifically involving Ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT, Marcus has finally been able to put years of brain clinic treatments to rest. The couple is passionate about sharing their experience and formed a non-profit – Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions (VETS). There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel, but that tunnel can be long and arduous if combined with inadequate treatment.

Read the full article https://psychedelictimes.com/navy-seal-psychedelic-assisted-therapy/

Learn more iboga

Heroin and opioid addiction is absolutely debilitating. There are few substances harder to rehabilitate from, yet prescription opiates (OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, etc.) are everpresent and making eventual heroin rehabilitation an impossible proposition. “Drug Addicts Aren’t the Only Ones Recovering: Iboga Also Found to Cure Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD” is an article that sheds light on ibogaine, with a particular emphasis on the differences of this alternative drug rehabilitation and some of the more common, well-known treatments with so-so track-records. 

The article details that with ibogaine treatment, be it ibogaine treatment in Mexico or anywhere for that matter, the user’s life is presented on a series of 3-dimensional screens. Said user is transported to a familiar place, but one that is confrontational by nature. If someone is engaged in fentanyl detox, for example, simply applying a band-aid for the pain via conventional, pharmaceutical medication will never address the root problem. This might be the less aggressive stance to take, but ibogaine is geared at long-term recovery, not band-aid-esque interventions.  

Read the full article here: https://psychedelictimes.com/learn-more-iboga/