
Discovering the Iboga Drug: A Natural Path to Healing

What is the Iboga Drug?

The iboga drug comes from the root bark of a plant called Tabernanthe iboga, which grows in Central Africa, especially in countries like Gabon, Cameroon, and the Republic of Congo. This plant has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in Africa for spiritual and healing rituals. The Bwiti religion, in particular, uses iboga in their ceremonies to connect with ancestors and gain spiritual insights.

The Active Compound: Ibogaine

The magic of the iboga plant lies in a powerful substance called ibogaine. Ibogaine is the primary psychoactive (mind-altering) compound in iboga. This means it affects how your brain works, leading to changes in perception, mood, and consciousness. While traditionally used in religious ceremonies, modern science has started exploring its potential benefits for various health conditions, especially for treating addictions and mental health issues.

How Ibogaine Helps with Addictions

One of the most talked-about benefits of ibogaine is its ability to help people struggling with addiction. Addiction is a chronic disease that affects the brain and makes it hard for people to stop using substances like drugs or alcohol, even if they want to. Ibogaine is not a magic bullet, but it can help in several ways:

Reducing Withdrawal Symptoms

When someone stops using addictive substances, they often experience withdrawal symptoms. These can be very uncomfortable and even painful, making it hard to quit. Ibogaine can reduce these withdrawal symptoms, making it easier for people to stop using drugs like opioids (heroin, prescription painkillers), cocaine, and alcohol.

Resetting the Brain

Addiction changes the brain’s wiring, creating strong cravings and compulsions to use substances. Ibogaine is thought to “reset” the brain. It interacts with several brain systems, including serotonin (which affects mood) and dopamine (which affects pleasure and reward). By resetting these systems, ibogaine can reduce cravings and help break the cycle of addiction.

Promoting Insight and Healing

Many people who undergo ibogaine treatment report having profound, meaningful experiences during their sessions. These experiences can help individuals gain insights into their lives and the root causes of their addiction. This kind of psychological healing can be a crucial part of recovery.

How Ibogaine Helps with Alcoholism

Alcoholism is another form of addiction where ibogaine has shown promise. The effects are similar to those seen with other drugs:

  • Easing Withdrawal: Ibogaine can lessen the severe withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting alcohol, such as anxiety, tremors, and nausea.
  • Reducing Cravings: By affecting the brain’s reward system, ibogaine can help reduce the desire to drink alcohol.
  • Psychological Benefits: The introspective experiences during ibogaine treatment can help individuals understand and address the underlying issues contributing to their alcoholism.

How Ibogaine Helps with PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Symptoms include flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Ibogaine has shown potential in helping people with PTSD:

Breaking the Cycle of Trauma

Ibogaine can help individuals revisit traumatic memories in a controlled, therapeutic setting. This process can help them reframe these memories and reduce their emotional impact.

Improving Mood and Anxiety

By interacting with the brain’s serotonin system, ibogaine can improve mood and reduce anxiety, which are common symptoms of PTSD.

Enhancing Therapy

The insights gained during ibogaine sessions can complement traditional therapies, such as talk therapy, making them more effective.

Safety and Risks of Ibogaine

While ibogaine has many potential benefits, it also comes with some risks. It’s important to use it in a medically supervised setting. Some of the risks include:

  • Cardiac Issues: Ibogaine can affect heart function, so it’s crucial to have medical supervision.
  • Neurotoxicity: There is a potential for nerve damage if not used correctly.

About Casa Santa Isabel

At Casa Santa Isabel, we are dedicated to helping individuals struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and PTSD through ibogaine treatment. Located just 20 minutes from the US border, we are the only licensed, medically supervised ibogaine treatment center in Baja California, Mexico. Our goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment where you can start your journey to healing.

Why Choose Us?

  1. Medical Supervision: Our treatments are supervised by medical professionals to ensure your safety.
  2. Licensed Facility: We are fully licensed, meaning we meet strict standards for safety and care.
  3. Close to Home: Our proximity to the US border makes it easy for you to access our services.

Our Approach

We understand that each person’s journey is unique. Our approach includes:

  • Comprehensive Assessments: We start with a thorough evaluation to understand your needs.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Your treatment plan is tailored to you, addressing your specific challenges and goals.
  • Aftercare Support: We provide ongoing support to help you maintain your progress after treatment.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, alcoholism, or PTSD, Casa Santa Isabel is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our ibogaine treatment programs and how we can support your journey to recovery.

Casa Santa Isabel – Your Path to Healing Starts Here

buying ibogaine online

Buying Ibogaine Online: Self-Administering Ibogaine. Why You Should Avoid It

Ibogaine has gained popularity in recent years as a potential treatment for addiction, particularly for substances like opioids. Despite its promising effects, self-administering ibogaine at home can be extremely dangerous. In this article, we’ll discuss why it’s crucial to avoid taking ibogaine without professional supervision and highlight the benefits of seeking treatment at a licensed facility like Casa Santa Isabel.

The Temptation of Cheap Ibogaine

One of the main reasons people consider self-administering ibogaine is the cost. Purchasing ibogaine online can be cheaper than enrolling in a treatment program. Additionally, doing it at home means you don’t have to travel, which can save time and money. However, the apparent convenience and cost savings come with significant risks.

The Dangers of Buying Ibogaine Online

When you buy ibogaine online, you don’t know what you’re getting. The ibogaine might be impure, improperly dosed, or contaminated with harmful substances. Without proper testing and quality control, you can’t be sure that the product is safe to use. Taking a substance that isn’t pure or correctly dosed can lead to severe health consequences, including overdose or poisoning.

Ibogaine: Safe but Potentially Harmful

Ibogaine is generally safe when administered correctly. However, without proper patient screening and monitoring, it can be harmful. Certain health conditions can make ibogaine dangerous. For example, people with heart problems or certain mental health disorders should not take ibogaine. Without a thorough medical examination, you won’t know if ibogaine is safe for you.

The Importance of Medical Supervision

Ibogaine must be administered under strict medical supervision. This means that doctors and healthcare professionals should be present to monitor your health throughout the process. They can respond quickly to any adverse reactions or emergencies. Self-administering ibogaine at home means you won’t have access to immediate medical help if something goes wrong, putting your health and life at risk.

The Psychological Journey

Taking ibogaine is not just a physical experience; it’s also a psychological journey. Having professional guidance before, during, and after the experience is crucial. At a licensed facility, therapists and counselors are available to help you prepare for the experience, support you during it, and assist you in processing it afterward. This support is essential for maximizing the benefits of ibogaine and ensuring a positive outcome.

The Role of Environment in Recovery

Your environment plays a significant role in your recovery. If you self-administer ibogaine at home and remain in the same unhealthy environment that contributed to your addiction, the effects of ibogaine may be diminished. A change of scenery can be beneficial for breaking old habits and fostering new, healthier ones.

The Comprehensive Care at Casa Santa Isabel

Aside from the actual ibogaine experience, choosing to undergo treatment at a licensed facility like Casa Santa Isabel offers numerous additional benefits. At Casa Santa Isabel, you’ll have access to other treatments and therapies that can enhance and promote your journey to health. These may include:

  • Detox Programs: Safe and supervised detoxification to prepare your body for ibogaine treatment.
  • Therapy and Counseling: Individual and group therapy sessions to address underlying psychological issues and provide emotional support.
  • Holistic Treatments: Complementary therapies such 5-MEO-DMT and Ayahuasca.
  • Aftercare Planning: Assistance with developing a long-term recovery plan to maintain sobriety and health after treatment.


While the idea of self-administering ibogaine at home may seem appealing due to the lower cost and convenience, the risks far outweigh the benefits. The dangers of unknown substances, lack of medical supervision, and insufficient psychological support make self-administration extremely dangerous.

Choosing to undergo ibogaine treatment at a licensed facility like Casa Santa Isabel ensures that you receive comprehensive care, including medical supervision, psychological support, and access to additional treatments. This holistic approach not only increases the safety of the ibogaine experience but also enhances the likelihood of a successful recovery.

Your health and well-being are worth the investment. Avoid the temptation of self-administration and seek professional help to ensure a safe and effective journey to recovery.


What is Lean Drug?

What is Lean Drug and How Can Ibogaine Help with Addiction?

Lean, also known as “purple drank,” “sizzurp,” or “dirty sprite,” is a recreational drug that originated in the southern United States. It is a potent mixture made by combining prescription-strength cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine with a soft drink, often a fruit-flavored soda. People sometimes add hard candies to enhance the flavor and color.

Components of Lean

  1. Codeine: An opioid used to treat mild to moderate pain and as a cough suppressant. It is highly addictive and can lead to physical dependence.
  2. Promethazine: An antihistamine used to treat allergies, nausea, and motion sickness. It has sedative properties, which can enhance the depressant effects of codeine.

Effects of Lean

The effects of lean can be dangerous and include:

  • Euphoria
  • Drowsiness
  • Lethargy (lack of energy)
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Respiratory depression (slowed breathing)

Because of these effects, lean can be highly addictive. Long-term use can lead to severe health problems, including liver damage, seizures, and potentially fatal respiratory depression.

Lean Addiction in the USA

Lean addiction has become a growing concern in the United States, particularly among young people and within the music community. The glamorization of lean in popular culture, especially in rap music, has contributed to its widespread use. The addiction can lead to significant personal, social, and economic consequences, including:

  • Health Complications: Prolonged use of lean can cause serious health issues like liver damage, respiratory problems, and neurological effects.
  • Mental Health Issues: Dependence on lean can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.
  • Social Impact: Addiction often results in strained relationships, job loss, and financial problems.
  • Legal Problems: Using prescription drugs without a prescription is illegal and can lead to criminal charges.

How Ibogaine Helps with Addiction

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in the root bark of the African shrub Tabernanthe iboga. It has been used for centuries in traditional African spiritual practices and is now gaining attention for its potential to treat addiction.

How Ibogaine Works

  1. Interrupts Addiction: Ibogaine is believed to interrupt addiction by resetting the brain’s reward pathways. It helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, which are major barriers to overcoming addiction.
  2. Neurogenesis: Ibogaine may promote neurogenesis, the growth of new neurons in the brain. This can help repair damage caused by prolonged drug use.
  3. Psychological Insights: Many users report having profound psychological insights during their ibogaine experience, which can help them understand and address the underlying causes of their addiction.

Benefits of Ibogaine for Lean Addiction

  • Reduction in Cravings: Ibogaine helps reduce the intense cravings for lean, making it easier for individuals to abstain from using the drug.
  • Alleviation of Withdrawal Symptoms: Ibogaine can alleviate the severe withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting lean, such as anxiety, agitation, and physical discomfort.
  • Long-Term Sobriety: By resetting the brain’s reward system and providing psychological insights, ibogaine can help individuals achieve long-term sobriety.

Casa Santa Isabel: Helping People Overcome Addiction

Casa Santa Isabel is a leading addiction treatment center that has helped hundreds of individuals overcome their addiction problems. Our holistic approach to addiction treatment incorporates both traditional and innovative methods, including the use of ibogaine therapy.

Our Treatment Approach

  1. Personalized Treatment Plans: We create individualized treatment plans tailored to each person’s unique needs and circumstances.
  2. Comprehensive Care: Our programs include medical detox, counseling, therapy, and aftercare support to ensure long-term recovery.
  3. Experienced Staff: Our team of experienced professionals provides compassionate care and support throughout the recovery journey.
  4. Safe and Supportive Environment: We offer a safe and supportive environment where individuals can focus on their recovery without distractions or temptations.

Success Stories

At Casa Santa Isabel, we have seen firsthand the transformative power of ibogaine therapy. Many of our clients have successfully overcome their addiction to lean and other substances, reclaiming their lives and achieving lasting sobriety.

How We Can Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with lean addiction, Casa Santa Isabel is here to help. Our ibogaine treatment program offers a promising solution for those seeking to break free from the cycle of addiction. With our comprehensive care and support, you can achieve the healthy, fulfilling life you deserve.

Bottom Line

Lean addiction is a serious and growing problem in the USA, but there is hope. Ibogaine therapy offers a powerful tool in the fight against addiction, helping individuals reduce cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and achieve long-term sobriety. Casa Santa Isabel is dedicated to helping individuals overcome their addiction and reclaim their lives through our comprehensive and compassionate care.


1. What is lean drug made of?

Lean is made from a combination of prescription-strength cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine, mixed with a soft drink and sometimes hard candies.

2. Why is lean addictive?

Lean is addictive because it contains codeine, an opioid that can lead to physical dependence and addiction.

3. What are the health risks of using lean?

Using lean can lead to serious health issues such as liver damage, respiratory depression, seizures, and mental health problems.

4. How does ibogaine help with addiction?

Ibogaine helps with addiction by interrupting the brain’s reward pathways, reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms, and promoting psychological insights and neurogenesis.

5. How long does ibogaine treatment take?

Ibogaine treatment typically involves a single administration of the substance, with effects lasting for 24-36 hours. The overall treatment program, including preparation and aftercare, may take several weeks.

6. What is the success rate of ibogaine treatment for lean addiction?

Success rates vary, but many individuals report significant reductions in cravings and withdrawal symptoms, leading to long-term sobriety. Success depends on multiple factors, including individual commitment and comprehensive aftercare.

7. How can Casa Santa Isabel help with lean addiction?

Casa Santa Isabel offers personalized treatment plans, comprehensive care, and experienced staff to support individuals through their recovery journey, including the use of ibogaine therapy to address lean addiction.

If you would like more information or need help with addiction, please visit our website, www.casasantaisabel.com, or contact us directly. We’re here to help you every step of the way.


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